禪太極十八式 Zen Taichi 18 Forms

禪太極十八式 Zen Taichi 18 Forms

禪太極十八式 “Zen Taichi 18 Forms" Initial Stories 靈感來自於十八位卓越人士的人生故事,是實現夢想的過程、是對生活的體悟、更是邁向成功的典範!每一段故事都在剛柔互用之中制勝於無形,一本風景的書在天.地.人 之間聯結了每一招每一式,看他們如何以柔克剛,四兩撥千斤!奮戰之姿在方寸自在間展開,與太極意境不謀而合…
台灣藝術家-石雕雲手 呂孟鴻大師依照十八位人物特質,以「極簡五刀法 – 劈、破、擊、雕、琢」運用太極的「神」,刻畫出「形」的變化,極簡的雕刻法,大刀闊斧又不拘小節,極緻展現形、意、力道、美感,將太極精神與太極武術的意境達到最高境界!賦予傳統文化現代新意,創造當代太極十八式石雕藝術!

The LIULI TAI CHI series are inspired by the life stories of 18 outstanding persons and their journey of overcoming obstacles and achieving their dreams and success in life. They are the role models of achievement for all of us! Every story is a life journey of enduring and overcoming obstacles and struggles like the interactive push-pull forces of  Taichi’s Yin and Yang forces. Every one of the 18 persons has used the Taichi’s binary methods to achieve their success. These methods, for example, include: “Conquering the unyielding with the yielding” (以柔克剛) and “Two for Four” or “achieving a great task with little effort” (四兩撥千斤)。 These methods imply that our life struggles can be unfolded easily, coinciding with the Taichi’s constant movements between the push-pull forces that affect everyone’s life. From the Taichi perspective, the life stories of the 18 artists are like a scenery book of the Heaven, Earth and Human (i.e., 天.地.人). The Taichi’s fighting postures of the 18 persons are unfolding in the square inch, coinciding with the Taichi 18 forms.
Drawing upon the characteristics and life stories of the 18 artists, Lu Menghong, a Taiwanese artist, uses the “miniature five-knife” method to crack, break, strike, carve and chisel (i.e., 劈, 破, 擊, 雕, 琢) his stone sculptures. The artist instills his sculptures with the flows and forms of Taichi to depict the changing shapes of of the stone sculptures. The sculpting method is bold, decisive, relaxed and casual. The sculptures thus exhibit the shapes, meanings, strengths and beauty (i.e., 形、意、力道、美感) of Taichi. This is indeed at the highest spiritual level of Taichi martial arts! By giving the traditional Taichi culture a new meaning, the artist has created a contemporary stone sculpture instilled with the modern aesthetic beauty of the traditional Taichi 18 Forms!

第一式 唯我獨尊【頂天立地、腑視群倫之勢】身影高挑魁武、作風低調,個性沈穩、謙卑有禮。以左右對稱的結構與厚實的肩部為特色;詮釋主角肩負重任、樂於承擔的特質。手部的刻劃與細膩多層次的皺摺表現手法,更顯得主角風度翩翩、豪氣萬千之姿。
The 1st Form: I Am the One. The One and Only !
The sculpture of the carved figure stands upright on his feet between the heaven and earth, overseeing a crowd of people. He is tall and sturdy. His shoulders are thick, well balanced and positioned. His demeanor is calm and collected. The sculpture features a symmetrical structure of body emphasizing the strong shoulders of the heroic figure. This outward appearance symbolizes the protagonist’s capacity to carry on many heavy responsibilities–i.e., a fine character of a brave hero. The hand scribing is delicate and the multi-layered-wrinkle look makes the protagonist even more graceful and heroic.

第二式 勢如破竹 Success with Ease【一馬當先、衝峰陷陣之勢】主角為人義氣豪爽,熱心助人,提攜後進。作者以傾身向前、極簡動力線條的肢體語言;詮釋一馬當先、有情有義的性格,來展現主角身先士卒、義薄雲天、豪爽大方、熱情海派之勢!
The 2nd Form: Success with Ease
“The Sculptured Protagonist Is In Charge! His Body Is Leaning Forward. He Is Ready To Lead The Fight And Win The Battle!”
The artist presents to us this simple heroic character that is filled with great human features and vivid body languages. The sculpted hero appears to be absolutely affectionate, loyal, generous, compassionate and charming who does not shirk his duty as a warrior. Nor does he hesitate to offer help to his peers.

第三式 運籌帷幄 Strategic Planning【立足中原、掌控乾坤之勢】作者以中間為中心點的對稱結構,表現出左右顧盼的從容,塑造靈活穩重的架勢;詮釋主角熱愛自由、自我中心的特質,來展現 [運籌帷幄之中,決勝於千里之外] 之勢!
The 3rd Form: Strategic Planning
“Standing On the Central Plain (i.e., the middle and lower Basin of the Yellow River), and Overseeing the Course of Actions."
Starting with a symmetrical structure around the centered point of the sculpture, the artist has modeled a lively and mature character whose eyes are gingerly detecting the surroundings. The sculpted hero is portrayed in a way to symbolize the hero’s love for freedom, his self confidence and deep compassion to embrace the universe! This sculpted hero is delineated as if he is planning strategically and ready to win a war that is thousands of miles away from home!

第四式 大鵬展翅 A Da-Peng Bird Spreads Its Wings【遨翔天空、振趐高飛之勢】主角熱情豪邁,食客三千,廣結善緣,樂善好施。作者以[大]字型之粗曠架勢註釋主角剛直率真、富正義感的特質,來展現大鵬展翅、遨翔天空,如同成功的企業家居高臨下、睥睨一切的王者之勢!
The 4th Form of Taichi: A Da-Peng Bird Spreads Its Wings
“A Da-Peng Bird Is Spreading Its Massive Wings. He Is Soaring To A New Height In Sky. The Da-Peng Bird Is In Full Flight !The sculpted protagonist is portrayed by the artist as a generous and heroic figure. He hosts a grand dinner party for three thousand guests to attend. The stone sculpture artist uses the Chinese character “大” to portray the “Greatness" or “Eminence” of the sculpted hero who is warm, charitable and helpful. The sculpted hero has a big heart to provide for his people and meet their needs. This “grand” gesture symbolizes a successful and benevolent corporate entrepreneurial leader who is in command of and overseeing his employees. Indeed, he is the leader of all in the world!

第五式 百世經綸 The Imperishable Knowledge and Wisdom【凝聚能量、蓄勢待發之勢】主角博學多聞,滿腹經綸,上知天文,下知地理。作者以低調雅緻的表現手法,內斂而有深度;詮釋主角閱歷無數的智慧結晶,深富機智;外圓而內方,傳達了虛懷若谷、樸實無華、深藏不露、蓄勢待發之勢!
The 5th Form: The Imperishable Knowledge and Wisdom
“Gathering His Energy. Getting Ready and Taking Initiatives!"The sculpted protagonist is delineated as a well-informed expert in such areas as economics, astronomy and geography. The artist uses an elegant technique, restrained and deep, to interpret the protagonist’s deep wisdom and knowledge internally, implying an ingenuous, hidden, and ready-to-launch force of this sculpture!

第六式 石破天驚 A Remarkable Breakthrough【靜如處子、動如脫兔之勢】作者以幾何的概念,多角度呈現陰暗明亮間的互動關係;詮釋主角外剛內柔、平和寬厚的特質,亦闡述主角於賞時,心與石間的互動情感之境!
The 6th Form: A Remarkable Breakthrough
“deliberate in counsel prompt in action” The author uses the concept of geometry to present the interactions between darkness and brightness from multiple angles of the stone sculpture. The artist interprets the characteristics of the sculpted protagonist’s characters as being “an iron fist in a velvet glove”. That is, “to be inwardly tender and kind while outwardly unyielding and firm” (i.e.,外剛內柔 in Chinese), an emotional interaction between the stone sculpture and the embedded emotions in this sculpture.

第七式 玉樹臨風 Charming Grace【能量內聚、萬佛朝宗之勢】當陽光灑下、風吹葉落、散發著心曠神怡;詮釋主角就像是經過無數向陽、繁星的洗禮,有如百川入海,一投手一舉足,充滿自信的洗鍊特質,傳遞了獨樹一格與雲淡風輕的愜意姿態!
The 7th Form: Charming Grace
‟ Energy Cohesion Derived From the Worshiping Power of Ten Thousand Buddhas ”When the sun shines on soil and the wind blows off the leaves, the heart of the sculpted hero is relaxed and beautiful. The task of describing the heroic protagonist’s characters, emotions and his Tai Chi form is like being baptized by the Sun and stars for countless times. The process of the commenting his tasks is like pouring a hundred rivers into the Ocean. The brand, as a result, is full of self-confidence because it conveys the unique styles and many different characters of the sculpted protagonists. Each of them has many unique characteristics and different postures, similar to a unique tree, shining lights and the gentle wind!

第八式 無懈可擊 Impeccable
The 8th Form : Impeccable
“Ready to Strike Back! Take the Offense Position Before the Enemy Is Ready !" The protagonist is modest and subdue. He accumulates his latent energy to better respond to an attack. In an assault, he takes on the offensive position. With his fists clenched, he pulls the bow and shoots the arrows. Ambitious by nature, our hero is good at both the attack and defense sides of the fight. He is always ready to maneuver his army by applying the Tai Chi principles–i.e., launching the attack before the enemy is ready (i.e., 攻其不備 in Chinese)!

第九式 首屈一指 Cream of the Crop
The 9th Form : Cream of the Crop
“Out of the Ordinary! Outstanding. Eminent. Remarkable.”The protagonist is warm and cheerful, humorous and persevering. The artist emphasizes the smooth, radiant and curved shaped of the protagonist’s body gesture. He has described the many bright sides (i.e., the Yang) of Tai Chi, symbolizing several positive characteristics of the protagonist. These characteristics include: passion, humor and confidence. The protagonist is truly the focus of the spotlight!

第十式 穩若泰山 Immobile Fortress
The 10th Form: Immobile Fortress
“Fidelity and Loyalty: An Impressive Presence of Justice.”The sculpture of the protagonist is solemn, calm and righteous. The artist uses his carving technique to turn the stone-cold characteristics of the protagonist into a gentle and soft curved stream-line shaped sculpture. This practice symbolizes a transformation of the protagonist’s characteristics shifting from being headstrong and determined to being a spirited, loyal, righteous and fearless of an adversity character!

第十一式 胸有成竹 Having A Well-Thought-Out Plan
The 11th Form: Having A Well-Thought-Out Plan
“Transcendental! Governing by Letting Things Take On Their Own Course.“ Clenching his fists, the pace of the protagonist’s foot steps is light, as if he is sitting among the mountain trees. As a famous Chinese poet, Tao Yuan Ming, once described: “I would pick chrysanthemums next to the fence on the East side of the Mountain,
traversing leisurely in the woods and viewing the Zhongnan Mountain from a distance.” The sculptured protagonist is calm and powerful, fearless and intelligent—i.e., a gesture of a real winner!

第十二式 銳不可擋 Unstoppable
The 12th Form: “Unstoppable”
The protagonist’s personality is cheerful and lively. He sings and danses, and he is a compelling speaker. The artist interprets the protagonist’s personal traits as the following: He is calm and collected. He is able to distinguish the good from the evil. He sticks to the ideas he believes in. Of the two-level dynamics of the sculpture, the protagonist’s left hand guesture emphasizes the “BLOCKING” (擋), implying the “finishing touch” (畫龍點睛) of the sculpting. The artist shows his audience the prelude of the protagonist’s victorious guesture: 1) “One Blocks Ten” (以一擋十), and 2) Marching Forward, the variations of the song of triumph.

第十三式 直上雲霄 Straight to the Sky
The 13th Form: Straight to the Sky
“Intelligent and Outstanding!”The protagonist is humble and low-key, knowing where the opportunity lies in advance. He is willing to take risks and to distinguish himself from others in battles. The author uses the cleaning-cut knife-carving methods to delineate the light-weighted shape of the upper body and the firm and thick shape of the lower body, implying a sharp contrast of different tensions between the upper and lower body, and that the one-thousand-mile effort is built upon a solid foundation. The overall lines and shapes carved are clean-cut, symbolizing a skyrocket flies straight up to the sky!

第十四式 捷足先登 Preemptive Actions
The 14th Form: Preemptive Actions
“Centralizing the Combat Force. Stepping Ahead of the Leading Tides."The protagonist of the LIULI TAI CHI is a sincere, simple, passionate and righteous person. The foot steps of the protagonist are lightedly active, flexible, light-weighted and nimble—i.e., a perfect presentation of his agile leg tensions. All of these characteristics imply several marketing strategies and the fighting spirit in career. They are: the energy and courage to launch reforms, the willingness to innovate, the initiation of launching marketing and counter-attack marketing strategies, personal and corporate fighting spirits, and, importantly, taking on the leading role of his crowds!

第十五式 扭轉乾坤. Turning the Tides (of Heaven 乾 and Earth坤 )
The 15th Form: Turning the Tides (of Heaven 乾 and Earth坤 )
“Reversing the situation . Striking for the winning force.”The protagonist is alert, clever and good at communication. He is steady and smooth. He is also good at coping with changes. He is brave, adventurous, optimistic, cheerful, flexible, witty and versatile. He is like an army general who is willing to fight against the enemies, a strategy similar to stopping the flood with soil (水來土擋). This is the essence of Taichi’s Yin and Yang, the two endlessly revolving and interacting natural forces!

第十六式 舞動萬象 Dancing Vientiane
The 16th Form: Dancing Vientiane
“Dancing Taichi! Dancing Heaven and Earth!”The protagonist is gentle, elegant, handsome and compelling. As hard as steel is the peculiarity of the basalt stone, it is sculpted by the artist as soft lines to signify the fluidity akin to the sliding clouds and the running water.
The opposing forces (e.g., inflexibility vs. flexibility, strength vs. gentleness) of the protagonist engender communication and foster the reunion of celebrated natural phenomena and human affairs. This is the quintessence of Taichi. The hero is gentle, graceful, handsome and with personal strengths. When he fights, his Taichi martial arts movements are relentlessly brave and graceful at the same time. Indeed, the protagonist is gentle with elegance and handsome with compelling temperament. The artist uses soft lines to create a sense of flowing basalt in his stone sculpture, which is like the flowing stream lines on the Xuanwu rocks. He creates a sense of fluidity on the shapes of the rock, symbolizing flying clouds and running water. He also delineates the subtlety of the protagonist’s fashionable dancing styles and its power—i.e., a duality of the Yin and Yang which is the essence of Taichi!

第十七式 移形換影 Mercurial
The 17th Form : Mercurial
“Shifting in Actions. Shining in Bright Lights.”The talent of the stone sculptor is multidimensional. He is skillful in curving stones and transforming them into splendid and brilliant Taichi features. He creates the 17th form of Taichi sculpture from different angles and shades of the stone. He interprets the heroic figure by breaking the original lines and shapes of the stone, creating a multi-dimensional shapes and lights of the sculpture.

第十八式 平步青雲 Climb Quickly Up The Ladder (Rise To Success)
The 18th Form: Climb Quickly Up The Ladder (Rise To Success)
“The elegant strolls versus the rapidly moving body gestures.”Full of creativity and energy to fight, the protagonist hero works diligently. He is ready to strike. The delineated accumulation of energy in the lower abdominal part of the sculpture reveals the deep and powerful force of the hero. The hero has laid out a series of solid, steady and fast moving steps to establish his power and speed of success. Each step, with an elegant look of a fighter, represents creativity and the combating power of the protagonist.