呂孟鴻簡介 Presentation of the artist Lu Meng Heng
隨形而塑;隨意而雕…石雕雲手 呂孟鴻
Presentation of the artist Lu Meng Heng
For me, stone carving is a form of the “force and reaction". The extent of the force I carve down on a stone will be the exact reactive force bouncing back to me. I always contemplate on my exertion of the push-pull forces when I create my stone sculptures. I realize that the amount of returning force is determined by the amount of force I exert in carving a stone. This makes me think about what types of attitude I should have when I create my stone sculpture. I ponder and I behave respectfully before I use the material to sculpt. Because I create my stone sculpture with adequate forces, the returning forces of the stone will be shown in my stone sculptures.
I therefore learned to use the constantly changing opposing forces of Taichi in my stone scultpures. The opposing forces I use on my sculptures represent the interactive forces of ‟emptiness vs. fullness” in Taichi, similar to my ‟will versus ideas”……It is the balance that I seek on my stone sculptures. Upon each cut and every stroke I made, I found that the artificial boundary is different from a natural one. This boundary is very important in my creation because the imagination stops after a balanced beauty arises.
I was born at the junction between the Pacific Ocean and Fomosa Island (i.e., Taiwan). I thus enjoy reflecting upon everything I do positively and negatively. I refine my thoughts and my critical thinking skills through learning to respect both humanity and nature. Similar to the convergence between yin and yang of Taichi, my creative sparks are inspired through the dual process of creating my stone sculpture by my heart and my hands. From the corresponding attitude and the process of stone engagement, my creativity is thus sparked. The best work is therefore created!
Sculpting by Shape; Carving by Thoughts.
Stone Sculptor LU Meng Heng
呂孟鴻 民國62年生,樸實內斂,言談中盡是藝術家的氣質來自於父親-人稱「文石先生」呂武建的藝術薰陶;懷抱著父親對他的期望與厚愛,更加堅定了孟鴻對自我價值的認定,也對美的定義有更深度的體認與鑑賞力。初入社會的孟鴻經營過鑽石、珠寶、寶石、藝術品…並於全省各大百貨公司設立據點且經營得有聲有色,來自於石雕世家的孟鴻,對藝術的熱愛始終沒有間斷過,承襲父親對於石雕及文石藝術的執著,從小巧雅緻的文石巧雕到比人還要高的空間造景,持續的石雕創作發展出了今日的功夫系列-包含了太極、武術、馬術…等系列作品,一推出即備受親睞,揮別於傳統石雕的拘泥形式,以既精準又灑脫率性的手法保留澎湖文石特有的天然質感,動靜間展現功夫的精髓、氣勢與神韻,真誠創作出屬於新一代『孟鴻式』的太極石雕風格!
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