

禪者 佛之心,太極心中自有道。
禪太極 儒釋道。
[ 禪 ]   靜淨 . 安祥 . 美善

[ 太 極 ] 
哲學 . 功夫 . 藝術
.哲 學 – 太極是中國思想史上的重要概念,無極生太極,太極生兩儀,兩儀,即是天與地。陰與陽、黑與白,天地之間萬物陰陽相生、生生不息…
.功 夫 – 太極拳源自武當張三豐,慢、圓、柔之中內含氣與勁,柔中帶剛,四兩撥千斤!形兵之極,至於無形。
.藝 術 – 石者,氣之核,土之骨;大則為岩巖,細則為砂塵。其精、其玉為金!太極石雕五刀法-劈、破、擊、雕、琢,運用太極的「神」刻畫出「形」的變化,重新定義天然脈絡石形,在天地人之間聯結了太極的每一招每一式,動靜間書寫變化與張力,展現太極之形、意、力道與美感。

  • 天人系列 – 以繁複刀法,打造360度黃金比例,每一個切面,都是歷史的軸線,凝神運氣、削鐵如泥,在石上書寫狂草
  • 天形系列 - 這是一場人與石的對弈!極簡刀法重新定義天然脈絡石形,從幾個剖面一眼望見色澤蒼老的景深,彷彿喑啞的說書人,懷抱一則又一則隱喻
  • 天璞系列 - 聆聽。 一千八百萬年前的寧靜噴發…還原。炙烈熔岩即興的一場表演!蘊玉之石,藏形寓意,金黃色石皮兀自閃耀著歷史,而其太極身世才正要開始
[ 禪 太 極 ]


[ 禪 太 極 心 五 感 ]
  • (香氛)木質調瀰漫大地的芬芳,感受平心靜氣,循著香味追古溯往
  • (聆聼)悠揚行雲流水般的節奏,漸強鼓聲磅薄迴盪,樂聲中動靜皆功夫
  • (色光)看見七彩寶石的絢麗奪目,宗教的光芒閃耀著千年不變的真理
  • (紋裡)透過指尖觸動古老石紋,穿越時空與現代交會美的痕跡
  • (味道)幻化香醇是酒的奔放,茶蘊內斂品嚐於心,跨越型式濃淡皆自在

" Zen Taichi | The Five Senses of Heart”

  • Aroma (fragrance): The aroma and earthly fragrance of trees have the calming effect on our mind and soul, inducing a sentimental longing and wistful affection for the past, especially a time filled with happy and peaceful personal connections.
  • Sound (listening): Melodious rhythm of the clouds, and the drums are both mellow and resounding simultaneously, symbolizing the dazzling colors of colorful gems and the light of religion shines with the unchanging truth of the millennium
  • Light (lighting up): The splendid beauty of these precious jewels reflects the lights of Zen Buddhist religion and radiating bursts of the eternal truth.
  • Surface (touching): Place your hands on the surface of the old stones symbolizes a beautiful encounter that is beyond time and space.
  • Taste (flavor): The sweet and fragrant wine taste and the delicacy of tea are tasted in the heart, symbolizing a free choice between different flavors, strong or light.
太極是 Taichi Is :
  • 極深奧的中國功夫 A proundly peaceful and relaxation form of Chinese Gong Fu.
  • 極強烈的戰鬥能量 A masterly ingenious life philosophy.
  • 極健康的養生之道 A crystallization of the excellence of ancient Chinese wisdom.
  • 極完美的優雅姿態 A superb health and wellness skill.
  • 極巧妙的人生哲學 An extremely simple and elegant form of exercise of forms, strenghts and flows.
  • 極精湛的智慧結晶 An intense fighting force and energy.

散發著氣質涵養  充滿著智慧學識  蘊育著文化創意
展現著時尚流行  代表著身份地位  象徵著財富實力

最棒的元素  最好的機緣  最佳的組合
最難的技巧  最神的創造  最夯的作品




" Zen Taichi ‧ Zen World"
Liuli, known as one of the seven treasures of Buddhism, has been endowed with profound cultural connotations of  Taichi and some myths since ancient times. Liuli is also known as one of China’s Five Supreme Masterpieces. The Glazed Taichi catches the characteristics of the crystal’s refracted lights and shadows by integrating them with the constant interactive movements between the Yin and Yang of Taichi. Such dual movements include: active versus static, affirmative versus ambiguous, forward versus backward, and upward versus downward movements etc., giving modern art sculpting culture a new meaning. The gem-like colors of emerald, gold, and amber are colorful and dazzling and flowing with the constant shifting bright lights. The series of LIULI TAI CHI are indeed the modern art treasures instilled with classical meanings and practices of Taichi martial arts. It is also the best choice for home furnishings, collections or gifts!




翡翠琉璃太極  " LIULI TAICHI in Emerald Color "
Glowing with a dazzling beauty, the color of emerald symbolizes the revolving concepts of the Yin and Yang in Taichi—i.e., harmony versus discord, peace versus conflict, intensity versus  calmness.In short, the emerald color represents the principles of Taichi. This piece of art shows us a magnificent scene of the supreme oriental attributes of dynamism, circularity, transformation and duality.
吉祥 如意 魅力 Auspicious Wishful Charm
翡翠有「東方之寶」、「玉石之王」的美譽,是歷史上權傾一時或魅力非凡的女性人物爭相收藏的珍寶,常以吉祥如意、福壽富貴的方式呈現,早已是收藏幸運的象徵! 綠色翡翠價值不匪,亦是財富的代表,以翡翠色與太極行雲流水ㄧ段柔中帶鋼的動靜之美..自在圓融線條,綠色常青、貴人常在!

Jade is known and reputed as the “Oriental Treasure” or the “King of Jade”. It is a national treasure fascinated by many influential Chinese males and females for jade represents good fortune, power, status and wealth for centuries. Jade is also the love of gem collectors and many interior designers and decorators in Chinese history.
Emerald (or green) is a color that does not fade with time and space. Because it reveals an auspicious meaning of the constant and powerful helps given by people of a higher social standing. The series LIULI Taichi Emerald lights up its green color to symbolize a sequence of the flexible forms, flows and strengths of varied Taichi postures and movements. Taichi is indeed where the duality between immobility and mobility manifested by itself.Green jade is invaluable because it represents abundance of wealth. The beauty of the soft and medium-sized steel strips and the emerald color symbolize the interacting flows between Yin and Yang of Taichi.

黃金琉璃太極  " LIULI TAICHI in Golden Color "
Liuli and gold  have always been considered two of the Seven Buddhist Treasures in Chinese culture. Both of them carry an auspicious sense of wealth, prosperity and good fortune. By adding  the strength and beauty of Tai Chi to the series of art objects, these art objects become even more splendidly radiant and graceful!
富貴  輝煌  活力 Prosperity Glory Vitality

Golden color has historically been viewed as the Royal Color by the Chinese Royal Family. The Golden color represents the ‟Wealth and Power” by the Chinese Emperor and the Royal Family. In Chinese culture, golden color symbolises the vibrance of sun, abundant wealth, power, blessings and big advancement in life. Since the blessings of Tai Chi and golden color are imbedded in the GOLDEN LIULI Art Collections, they are a work of art endowed with auspicious meanings suitable for landscaping design and interior decorations as well as value preservation among the gem collectors.

琥珀琉璃太極 " LIULI TAICHI in Amber Color "
“Sweet and refined” are the two aesthetic feelings signified by the amber color, which make us feel slightly dizzy as if we are under the small influence of a fine wine. Its tender aroma and  sweet fragrance bring us the freshness and tranquility we desire. Amber is a hard and translucent stone-carving material. Combined with circular lines, the series “LIULI TAICHI in Amber Color" demonstrate the duality of Taichi where rigidity and flexibility coexist.
健康 長壽  平安 Peace Health Longevity

Considering amber a valuable medicine for Chinese people, amber symbolizes longevity in Chinese culture. This delicate material absorbs the life and soul from the mother earth, bringing its positive energy to people with good health and spiritual calmness. As one of the seven Buddhist treasures, amber hunts evil spirits down and keeps the tranquility in our house. This soft and yet pleasing Amber color shows us the smooth, circular and fluid Yin and Yang movements of Taichi. As a result, it brings us the calmness and concentration we desire in our life. It promises us and our families the longevity and healthy life we all desire.

琉璃太極製作工序:琉璃脫臘鑄造法,源自中國漢代技術 琉璃太極製作需經過十多道工序

  1. 精雕太極石雕
  2. 多層矽膠模
  3. 灌蠟
  4. 脫取蠟模
  5. 精修蠟型
  6. 翻製耐火石膏模
  7. 脫蠟取得耐火石膏模
  8. 窯燒
  9. 放入琉璃原料~二次燒融
  10. 脫除耐火石膏模
  11. 細修
  12. 研磨及酸洗拋
  13. 品檢包裝
